Katja Große-Wortmann

About me:

Katja has been enjoying the principle “life in motion” since her birth.

In her first yoga class she experienced that moving plus deep breathing feels even better. Consciousness and awareness towards her body, in combination with a deep and regular breath make her relax and give her peace. Like a little holiday in everyday life.

By now, Katja cannot imagine a life without yoga anymore. With her open and cheerful way of teaching she infects her students again and again with her yoga virus and enables them to feel stability and lightness at the same time. As a physiotherapist, a good and healthy anatomical alignment is an important aspect for her. She wants every student to achieve a positive attitude towards their bodies and lives.

For Katja, Yoga is a special way of self-development, to know and love yourself more and more day by day.

Besides many physiotherapeutic qualifications, Katja regularly attends yoga workshops and trainings.
